The Power of your Thoughts, Words, & Actions
We will now examine a well known but often over looked and underrated gem of wisdom!
If you think that you will never be able to do a handstand. Your Likelyhood of ever practicing or even trying a handstand reduces significantly, When asked, you'll likely say "No, I can't do that".
In the example above.
your thought was: "I can't do a Handstand". Your Action was: "to not even try a handstand".your words were: "No, I can't do that handstand"
especially when your Thoughts, Words & Actions are all in accordance , they tend to corrobborate quickly by configuring that perception which most Likely becomes your reality...In this case, the reality in which you cannot do a handstand :{
I see this very pattern on a daily basis and, as an instructor, have helped my students break this pattern simply by reprogramming their thoughts, speech, and manner of practice(Action).
This simple idea in the hands of a conscious and compitent teacher can help the instructor transform the lives of their students.
Now that you have seen one basic example of your Thoughts, Speech, and Deeds coming together to structure an experience.
How else can we utilize this concept in a practical way?
Most of us have some area of expertise in which we'd like to become more adept.
I am a big advocate of having a mentor.
lets see an application of this principle that can accelerate our growth and help us get the most out of our experience with a mentor.
When there is someone admirable that has qualties that you would like to embody. You can extract practices that can help you exude these qualities simply by observing your mentor through the lens of these three functions.
often times it can be hard to determine exactly what it is you admire about these people. this strategy can be used to perfom a "reverse engineering" of their patterns. thier patterns can be converted into practices that will surely produce similar effects in you. this method can also inform you of what NOt to do.
often it's easiest to work your way back and contemplate their actions, words,and then the mind state will gradually make itself evident.
to drive this idea home, here is an example:
say you wanted to know about, i don't know...Yoga!!! :0)
you find a mentor(which this principal can also help you do) and ask yourself...
"what kind of actions does this yogi perform throughout the day?"
response: they practice asana, breath work, meditation, they have good posture, reliable, healthy diet, willing, observant, charitable, study of the scriptures,etc.
well, congratulations! you can now take each of these qualities and convert them into a list of practices to be incorporated into your life, to whatever extent possible.
next: "what kind of speech do they use?"
Response: Kind, supportive, informed, uplifting, truthful, no vulgarity,etc.
Next:"What kind of thoughts do they have?"
Response: Positive, proactive, non-judgmental, non-violent, compassionate, etc.
Particularly with the last two principals, you may need to build an additional list and ask your self What type of words are kind?"what kind of thoughts are compassionate? what thoughts proactive?" a more practical list will then reveal itself.
though Mentors(everyone really) should be shown absolute respect, courtesy, and appreciation.
something fantastic about this approach with a mentor is that you can begin to realize that it's not really about the mentor herself. It's about the qualities. qualities which you can develop and utilize in your own unique way.
remember:you are not trying to become your mentor, you are trying to be more of yourself.
may Peace and love guide all your Thoughts, words,and actions!~Tony